Saturday, September 7, 2013


I get so tired of reading and hearing about people saying “Where was ‘your God’?” when something goes wrong or something bad happens. Or they ask why God lets bad things happen to good people (or to anyone, for that matter). I hear coworkers and neighbors complain that so & so has this or that, why don't I? And I have my own answers to these questions when people ask them. Hopefully without sounding preachy or overbearing, it goes something like this...

When “bad” things happen to good people? My answer is without the bad, would you truly appreciate the good things? Or would you take them for granted? Would you get a feeling of entitlement? Without the tough periods in life to endure, how are you able to feel thankful for everything good in your life?

In the same manner, if you didn’t have to work for everything you have, would it mean as much to you? Would you feel the same way about what you have if you had it handed to you? I know everyone jokes about saying they wish they could have it that way, but is that really the truth? Without the struggle, how important is it?

Without the sorrow, how great is the joy? Without pain, how diminished is your pleasure?

I’ve had plenty of so-called bad things happen to me in my lifetime. But I’m able to look at my daughters and see and appreciate the gift that they are. I see a beautiful little boy and know that my life wouldn’t be as blessed if he weren’t in it. I remember another little boy who gave me more love in his short life than I ever deserved. I see beauty in life because it takes away the ugliness that is always right around the corner. And I appreciate and am thankful for what I have. Because of the pain, the struggle and the tears.