Did you ever have one of those weeks when just about everything you think about, attempt to do or look at makes you wish you could hide under a rock somewhere? Have you? I just had one of those weeks. Has anyone else been there? Like when...
You look in a mirror and realize that not only are you having a bad hair day but you have a quarter inch of gray roots showing and still another week left until you are due to color? I blame my mother for this...I inherited the gray hair gene from her.
You notice that people in the obituaries are getting closer to your age? You tell yourself, wow, people are dying younger and younger these days? OK, so that sounds morbid, doesn't it? (Sort of fits my mood.) Read on...
You also notice in those same obituaries that your parent's friends are slowly dying off one by one? And that you really need to stop reading that section of your hometown paper?
You say something you think is very prolific and get told by a five-year-old that what you said is ridiculous? Or worse yet, he just gives you that look? The one that makes you feel about 100 years old and feeble. Or stupid. Or both.
You see a Facebook post showing that one of your dearest friends is celebrating her 48th wedding anniversary? Yes, Lynn, that would be you. Congratulations on not only being married that long but for training your man early on how to be a good husband. Actually, this one doesn't make me want to find the rock to hide under. I just wanted to give a shout out to my friend. But it does make me realize that if I ever want to make it that far, I will have to find someone and marry him TODAY, then live to be 96 or thereabouts. So, it just ain't gonna happen for me. Not that I couldn't live that long; just that it's late in the day, I'm in my PJ's already and not planning on going out.
You have moved far away from your friends and then you realize (again, via Facebook) that they are doing fun things like they did when you were there, only now they are doing them without you??? I guess I should have told them beforehand that all that needed to stop when I hit the state line. They were supposed to sit morosely in a corner and miss me terribly.
You file for divorce and realize that you have been down this road before? Ok, so this one is just a personal thing but I'm sure it could happen to others. And probably has. Not wishing it on anyone. I'm a big fan of long, happy marriages (see several paragraphs above). And not that I'm upset about it since I'm long past ready to close that chapter in my life. Just sad that I have to go through all the aggravation again. Because this time I'm a grownup.
You think you are ready to end the week with a job well done, all your work is caught up and you can enjoy your long weekend and POW...your boss loads you up again? Yup, just checked in my file and she piled it on. Well, damn it, I'm having a weekend! I'm not going to think about what kind of workload I will have next week. And I'm definitely not going to think about how excited that makes me because in a sick sense, I love being overloaded with work. Makes me shiver in anticipation...not really, but I do enjoy it.
Now where in the world is that rock?