Sunday, February 15, 2015

What Are You Thankful For?

I recently read a book by Max Lucado called Before Amen (Good book, you should read it). In one chapter, he listed things he was thankful for by the alphabet, which I thought was a really cool idea. So I decided to make up one of my own. It took me a long time because it’s not something that just comes to your head…at least not to mine. I did a lot of thinking and here is what I came up with.

A: Animals. We’ve had cats, dogs, bunnies and guinea pigs as pets. I’ve watched deer and turkey in my yard and birds in the sky. Chased cows, pigs and chickens. Doesn’t matter. They are all beautiful. Except for vultures. Nasty looking things.
B: My Bible. The answer is always in there and no matter how many times I read it, I learn something new. When I was growing up, it was sacred…as it should be. You kept it pristine, which is not necessary, as I now know. The one I use? There are so many notes written in the margins to remind me of where I was when I read that part or things that I didn’t understand and looked up. It’s a Max Lucado Bible, ironically enough.
C: Cats. Specifically the strays that come to my door every day begging for food. In the last three years, they have gone from running when they saw me to rubbing against me and asking to be petted. They show me a lot of love and make me miss my pets from my former life a lot less. And chocolate. Because what would the world be without it?
D: Daughters. Mine. Deanna and Deb. Two of the three loves of my life. They make me proud. They make me laugh, they make me cry. They make me angry and frustrate the hell out of me. But most of all, they make me feel loved and like I did something extremely right in my life.
E: Elijah. The interruption in my sleep. The mess in my house. The stain on my carpet. The ache in my bones (after football or wrestling or ninja battles). But mostly? The third love of my life. He’s smart. He’s funny. He’s interesting. He’s just the best.
F: My faith. Necessary for all things in life. And forgiveness, both giving and getting.  And fruit. And fun.
G: God. What can I say? Without Him, I would have nothing, be nothing.
H: Happiness. I have it now and I’m so thankful for it.
I: Imagination. I was blessed with a great one. It’s kinda wacky. A little out there. I love using it.
J: Jesus. The greatest gift anyone could ever receive. Who else would make such a sacrifice?
K: Knowledge. I’m not the smartest crayon in the box but I have some knowledge to pass on to my kids. Keyboard is another one. My musical one, so I can play the music I love and my laptop one so I can communicate with my friends and family. And also write the silliness that keeps popping up in my head.
L: Love from my family and laughter. Mostly when the two go together. We have an ample supply of both in our house.
M: Money to pay my bills. Why would I put this on here? Because I work hard to earn mine. And for that, I’m thankful. For both the opportunity and the ability. There’s not much left at the end of the bill paying but we make it.
N: Naps. When I have the opportunity to take one. They refresh me. They give me all too rare time to myself.
O: Oliver. I’m not going to elaborate on this one. I’m just thankful.
P: My parents. They loved me. They raised me to be the strong person that I am. They taught me right from wrong. And I miss them so much.
Q: Questions from my little guy. Especially the ones that I’m able to answer. These days, that’s asking a lot because he really is a smart and thoughtful young guy.
R: Rest at the end of a long day. If I’m lucky enough to get some. I’m happy to get what I can. Along with root beer. A&W is the best.
S: My salvation. It’s mine and can never be taken away from me.
T: Tears. I shed them on a regular basis. They cleanse me. And relieve my stress. And my tattoos. Cause they’re pretty.
U: Ugliness. Because it helps me to realize how much beauty there is in the world. And it helps me to see that beauty more clearly.
V: Vegetables that are so yummy in my tummy. Now if I could only get Elijah to eat them.
W: The words that constantly roll around in my head, occasionally coming out to form a blog or add a chapter to one of my books. Sometimes they even make sense.
X: Exits that will take me on my next journey. Yeah, it doesn’t start with x but it’s close. And I believe my journey is even closer.
Y: You. Yes, you. The one who is reading this right now. If it weren’t  for you, I would have no reason to write. And yogurt. One has nothing to do with the other. I just love yogurt.
Z: My zest for life. I am living the life I was always meant to. I am enjoying it. I am happy. Oh, and zoos. Because they are filled with all those lovely animals.

This is my list. Do you have one? Maybe mine made you think about your own. I certainly hope so because if it didn’t, then what’s the point? Thanks, Max, for getting my thoughts rolling. It was an awesome exercise.