A lot of times, I know that I could have been a better mom. I wish I would have done things differently. Ah, hindsight and all that 20/20 stuff.
On the positive side? I have two beautiful daughters. They are intelligent and caring. And gorgeous. I'm very blessed.
My mother is no longer with me. I wish I could hug her today. I wish I could tell her how much she meant to me.
But on the positive side? I have so many good memories of my mom and the times we spent together. I know she loved me. And she was a wonderful, ditzy, loving person. I was blessed.
My mother figure (hello, Theresa!) lives far away from me. It would be so awesome to be able to take her out to lunch or just go to her place with a gift. Give her a hug.
But on the positive side? I have Facebook. I can look at her any time I want. See what's going on in her life on a daily basis. I have email. I can send her a message whenever. I have a cell phone. I can just call her up. I am blessed.
I prefer to look at the positive side and not dwell on the negative. Negativity is a waste of time, especially with all of the blessings that I have in my life.
So Happy Mother's day to all of y'all out there. Enjoy your day. Love your kids. Count your blessings. And share all the love you have in your heart.