You know we all do it. The boss takes a vacation or develops
typhoid and needs a week off and we don’t show up for work. At least not
mentally. We may be sitting at our desks, but we’re definitely not “there”.
What has to be done is done but, unless it is critical in nature, the rest
falls by the wayside. Just for a day or two. Or five. And since this is
something most will do, I thought I’d give you some ideas…
You can play games. On the computer or your phone, doesn’t
matter. Card games, poker, popping bubbles. It’s easy to find one to peak your
interest since they are everywhere. And they’re free!!!
You can surf the internet. Always something to look for on
there. New thoughts for decorating your sunporch or stalk your old boyfriend.
Dinner ideas. Ways to keep your toddler from driving you nuts. It’s all available
for the asking.
Watch a movie. Bring in a DVD (or a Blu Ray Disc, if you’re
lucky enough to have an employer that buys only the best). Because who has the
opportunity to watch a good movie any other time? Too much to do at home. Children
to take care of, house to clean, dinner to make.
You can sleep. Yeah, get caught up on your rest when the
kids keep you up late. Or when Jimmy had someone fascinating on the night
before that you just couldn’t miss.
Talk on the phone. To someone you haven’t talked to in a
while. Actually being able to do it without having a child rattling on in the
background is just a bonus. And if they’re boss is out at the same time, you
can have a long conversation.
You can doodle. Just grab a stack of printer paper and your
favorite pen. I’m a big doodler. I get a lot of phone calls where people on the
other line drone on and on. And on. About basically nothing. So I fill my
notebook with silly little pictures. It’s actually quite relaxing.
You can have gab sessions. Umhmm, sit and talk to your co-workers about issues
at work or at home. Complain about the boss, the schedule or the job itself. Your
kids are a great topic of discussion as well. I actually used to have one on a
daily basis at one of my last companies. I was an early bird and so was a lady
I worked with. We sat most mornings (when the boss didn’t come in early) and
had coffee, cookies and a very heartwarming discussion about whatever was on
our minds. Some of the best days started off with this.
If you’re a blogger, write away. Put your headphones on,
turn up your IPod and let the ideas just filter in. Jot them down and post
away. Because if you’re like me, when you sit down to blog on purpose, your
mind is a wasteland. But if you do it when you aren’t supposed to be doing it,
the words will just flow from your imagination to your fingertips to the
keyboard. NOTE: I know that a lot of you think my mind is a wasteland anyway
but please be kind.
A ninety minute lunch? Sure, why not? Sometimes you just
need to eat a little slower and digest. A lot easier on your system than the
typical 30 to 45 minute grab and run.
You can … amazingly enough … do your job. I’m one of those
who feels guilty if my work falls behind and since our department is one of the
busiest, it’s a real possibility that could happen if I took a minute off. So I
work. And so should everyone.
Honestly, I’m not one to skip on my work. Well maybe a
little bit longer for lunch but since my boss is rarely, if ever, gone…I miss
out on the opportunity to be naughty. The guilt would drive me crazy anyway.
Author’s note: The information contained herein are
suggestions, not advice, and may actually result in job loss. Contact your
Human Resources professional for further information.