Saturday, May 4, 2013

What Would I Do Without My Laptop

What would I do without it?

It’s just a possession. A 15.6 inch pink rectangular box. A mainstay of my existence, I’m afraid. I’m speaking of my laptop.  It’s not a gamers dream, doesn’t have BluRay, just DVD. It is HD but that’s as fancy as I get. So what would I do without it? Hmm…I dare to contemplate. My daughter just lost hers as the result of a virus so I’m using her as a guideline of sorts.

Number one, since I’m a writer, I would have to buy pens. Lots and lots of pens. I write constantly. Every time a thought comes in to my head while I’m socially networking or blogging, which is often, I type it in to my trusty little Dell. My friend that never speaks to me but is always close by. So I would need a lot of pens.  Oh, and paper. Paper with lines on it. I’m not the neatest scribbler, as my notebooks on my nightstand can attest. Hey, who can be neat and tidy when it’s 3:00 a.m. and a thought needs to be written down? So I would need pens and paper with lines. A lot of both.

Games. Oh, geez. I’d need to take the board games out of storage and dust them off.  I would be hoping none of the pieces are missing.  Game pieces are never missing on computerized games. It’s kind of a rule.  Oh, and rules.  I’d have to read the rules of the games I own.  It’s been so long since I’ve played any of them that I’ve probably forgotten most of the rules. Then you have to factor in the three-year-old.  Oh, I can see it now; game pieces strewn everywhere. Sure to get lost. So games would be another issue if I didn’t have my little friend.

Then there is the aforementioned social networking. I’d have to get a bigger cell phone plan since I’d be calling everyone instead of just typing the little tidbits of my random thoughts. I wouldn’t be able to blog unless I mailed it in. Can you mail in a blog? I’m thinking not. They wouldn’t be able to read my handwriting anyway since, as I mentioned above, it’s not the neatest. Oh, and email. I rarely use it any more but still, if I didn’t have it, I would definitely miss it. Oh, yeah, I have it on my phone but really? Has to be on the big screen. Twitter, Facebook, I would miss you so much. So my social networking would be next to nil.

News and weather? I’d probably have to start watching the television again but who has the time for that when there is so much to do on the computer (see above). Oh, right. I wouldn’t have the computer so I would have more time to watch TV. But then I’d be scribbling on paper to get my blogs and novel done and I don’t think I can write 95 words per minute like I can type. So it would take twice as long to get my stuff done (every woman has stuff). This would be really bad. And I’m really not patient enough to watch TV either. I hate commercials, news anchors annoy me and I’d have to constantly answer the question “why aren’t we watching Mickey Mouse?”

Mickey Mouse? Oh, here comes another disaster. I would not have all the episodes of the Imagination Movers available at a moment’s notice for that emergency, please-stop-crying-now viewing. Definitely not a good thing. And since it’s our time together, Mr. Three-Year-Old and I, it would be heartbreaking not to have it. I downloaded quite a few episodes of this, his favorite show from I-tunes and, ohmygosh, how would I download music on to my IPod? I’d never survive without it. This is getting worse and worse. Why am I writing this blog and getting myself all upset? There, there.  Little pink friend is alive and kicking, so not to worry.

So, my friend, if you care anything at all about my needs, please take care of yourself.  Do not inherit any nasty little viruses and rest when I do because you know that I will need you when I wake up. I’ve given you the best that I can; top-notch virus protection, a can of air to keep your keyboard neat and tidy, a mouse to die for.  Not to mention that I stroke your ego often and sincerely. All I ask is that you be there for me when I need you.

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